Saturday, August 6, 2011

Inside The Food Pyramid

The food pyramid has been part of our lives for a very long time. It was one of the first nutritional lessons that many of us learned in school or at home and taught us a great deal about the kinds of food and the right quantity for consumption.

What's the new food pyramid all about and how has it changed? What makes it new and what is actually inside the "new" food pyramid?

The Food Pyramid

Realistically, not that much has changed about the food pyramid but it does have a whole new look and has also adapted some new colors, new style and changed a few of the portions that you will find when you click on the inner portions of the pyramid.

Inside the food pyramid, you will find a great deal of data about what to eat and how much of it is good for one serving.

The food pyramid offers you in-depth data about which foods are going to be your best bet for a balanced diet. The pyramid will also give you measure sizes and help you to understand what a balanced diet is and why it is in your best interests to participate of one.

The new food pyramid is lively and colorful--much more lively to children and to others who view it. It offers a set of steps up the side of the pyramid, contribution entry into what is contained.

Inside the new food pyramid, you will find solid data about your salutary diet, including:

The Orange Section-holding the grains and whole grains. When you eat grain foods, try to make them whole grain whenever you can, and have about 3 ounces of this kind of food every day to keep your body healthy. Three ounces of grain may consist of crackers, rice, spaghetti and pasta, or other types of grains that are grown.

The Green Section is the vegetable group. These are an prominent part of your diet for salutary bodies. Vegetables should be eaten daily and should consist of both yellow and green vegetables.

The Red Section is focused on the fruits that you should eat each day. Go easier on the fruit juices because they have more sugar and less fiber, but make sure that you eat some kind of fruit every day.

The Blue Section is for milk and dairy products such as cheese. You need to have some servings of milk and dairy every day. If you can't drink dairy products, then find someone else way to get calcium, such as lettuce or soy milk.

The Purple Section is meat and beans are in the purple section. When you eat meat and beans, which you should do each day, try to keep your selections to lean meat. This will assure that you stay salutary and strong.

The new food pyramid has a stronger focus on lean foods, on low fat foods, and on lower sugar foods, but for the most part, it's the same old food pyramid that you learned about long ago. It offers you added data and more lively nutrition facts about keeping your weight and your diet healthy. The food pyramid is certainly worth a second look.

Inside The Food Pyramid

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