Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Top 10 Diet Mantras

In today's world of yoga and self-help gurus, "mantra" has become a catch phrase. It has even found its way into corporate boardrooms and seminars. Merriam Webster's Online's definition of a mantra is "a mystical recipe of invocation or incantation." In other words it is a word or phrase designed to cause a desired performance when repeated. So, why can't dieters use mantras to invoke willpower and focus on their diets?

The following list is not based on the science of sound waves or vibrations, or any mystical, far-eastern philosophy, but instead is a list of phrases that can be used to remind and reinforce the reasons for dieting in the first place. Even though there is no science or mysticism to the recipe of words, they might just help with that ever prominent willpower when it's needed most.

The Food Pyramid

Mantra #1- Fat is not Funny. When you reach for that extra piece of bread or "just two" cookies, remind yourself that you find no humor in being overweight.

Mantra #2- Food is my Friend, Fat is Not. Like any friend, food can wear out its welcome. In measured quantities it is enjoyable, but overdo it and it becomes annoying.

Mantra #3- If it is Sweet, It is Sugar. You don't have to read labels to find the sugar in a lot of snacks. Remind yourself that if the guess you like it is because it is sweet there is probably sugar in it somewhere.

Mantra #4- My Family, My Friends, My Food. This is to remind you that food should not be used as a comfort. House and friends should all the time come first and food is naturally a valuable distraction.

Mantra #5- Live, Love, Lose Weight. Just like #4, this one is a reminder. While losing weight is important, don't forget to live life and spend time with those you love.

Mantra #6- I am a loser. Turn a negative into a positive with this one. In most cases being called a loser is bad, but when dieting we all want to be losers.

Mantra #7- I think I can, I think I can... It worked for the diminutive machine and it will work for you. Just remind yourself that it can be done and keep chugging along.

Mantra #8- One pound at a time. The great pyramids were built one block at a time, a long journey is fulfilled, one step at a time, and your weight loss will occur one pound at a time. Total success will be measured at the end.

Mantra #9- Food does not control me. When those cravings charge remind yourself that food is an inanimate object that does not control you. You control when and how you put food into your body.

Mantra #10- I can do this! Deep down you know that you can. It is prominent to fight the urges to give up or slip from the path. When that urge creeps into your brain, just shout it out with a hearty "I can do this!"

These can be posted around the house, on the refrigerator, on mirrors, or in any place else that you might need a boost. Take time in the morning to repeat your favorite a few times before starting the day. Before slipping off to sleep, repeat one or two a few times.

Top 10 Diet Mantras

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