Saturday, April 7, 2012

Motor Skill improvement in Five Year Olds - A Must Read for the Kindergarten Parent

Between ages two and five, most bodily developments occur rapidly. The most clear bodily developments are changes in body size and shape. More crucial changes involve the maturation of the brain and central nervous system. This maturation allows the mastery of motor skills that sets the five year old apart from a toddler.

During the preschool year children come to be slimmer as the lower body grows and some of the fat from infancy is burned off. The five year old child no longer has the sharp stomach, round face and short limbs. Major changes are taking place in their small bodies and the astute teacher must he aware of them to enhance, communicate, and target their lessons toward the private child.

The Food Pyramid

At age five, according to the book Early Childhood by Doreen Knight, children are experiencing dissimilar bodily and developmental profiles and growth patterns. These consist of increases in height and weight and changes in body proportions. Interestingly as well, the changes in body portions from age two through five in well fed children, shows a gain of three inches and about four pounds per year! By age five,the average child in a industrialized nation weighs about forty six pounds and measures forty six inches tall.

The diet during the five year olds' years should be a wholesome one. One of the most base deficiencies taking place in industrialized countries is iron deficiency anemia, a chief symptom of persisting fatigue. This question occurs from an deficiency of capability meats, whole grains and dark-green vegetables.

Gross motor skills, sharp large body movements such as running, climbing, jumping, and throwing, improve substantially during the five year olds' year. Most young children custom their gross motor skills wherever they are, either at school climbing on the slide, sandboxes, or strolling sidewalk curbs for balancing. Gross motor skills are clearly foremost to fabricate in the five year old, because they encourage him/her to be focused, adventurous, and playful.

Fine motor skills, sharp small body movements, of hands and fingers, are a diminutive more sharp for a five year old to scholar than gross motor skills. Such skills would consist of pouring juice from a pitcher into a glass without spilling or cutting food with a knife and fork. Five year old children spend hours trying to tie a how with their shoelaces The theorize many five year olds contact this mystery is due to the fact that they have not industrialized the muscular control patience, and judgment needed for the rehearsal of fine motor skills.

What I have discovered about five year old children's bodily improvement is that their power level and readiness to move contributes to a a willingness to share in aerobic type teaching activities. Knowing this informs me that one must not just lecture to children in rote words, but to also use modeling and scaffolding with sharp bold pictures and words.

Some five year olds can run, climb, jump, and throw. A teacher could even teach the noted school lunch food pyramid with hand/eye coordinated moves.When teaching to five year olds, one must use the knowledge that they must use their hands, and work and play with a wide variety of objects. Lightweight balls, beads, and other fine motor manipulative objects can improve learner learning because it makes sense to the students' cognitive and bodily improvement at this crucial age.

Motor Skill improvement in Five Year Olds - A Must Read for the Kindergarten Parent

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